Thursday, August 4, 2011


I have been a little down in the dumps lately but after reading this post it gave me the motivation to fancy up my blog and really get set on my way through blogland! With a google search underway ideas were running through my head until I found this lovely site and made my way through their header designs to find this...

and turn it into this.

I also found some cute little buttons and my new background, my favourite thing about thing about the site, Shabby Blogs, is that they cater for my love of birds, I am in awe! All my favourites can be found here.

Whilst on my search I also joined many groups, some of which I have added their buttons to my side bar. Be sure to check these out although I plan to publish a post about all of these too.

Next week I may be a tad absent for a while as I am having a minor operation late into the week. Nothing major, although for me two needles on either side of my toe and the removal of half my nail is a bit daunting! Hopefully I will be able to catch up on some crafts though because there are many birthdays coming up, including Sampson's, he is turning 1!

Well I best be off because I plan to have my room, the side verandah and the sewing area prepared for some serious usage in the next week!

Forever Crafting,

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