Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Public Holiday :)

Long time no speak :)

Today I am basking in the pleasure of the Brisbane public holiday although I have spent most of it doing homework, thats right, I have done two hours of homework and have at least another one and a half to go ! Oh the joy :( We booked Sampson in for a bath today and he looks sooooo different, he loved it though and got a juicy pigs ear for being such a good boy :)

There are some highs to this holiday though because as we are speaking I am making on of these. I found the lovely tutorial on Pinterest and I have been meaning to do it ever since, finally I have got the time! I hope to have some photos of my creation up soon so that I can share with everyone else my creation.

I am thinking of joining in this swap but I am having second thoughts on it because it is based in Europe and I am unsure how costly it will be to send my parcels, I would love to find someone in Australia to do it with me ! If you are interested, feel free to comment on here and then head over to the link and leave a comment there.

Sorry about my absence lately, my toe was worse than I thought and I spent most of my time on the couch searching Pinterest hence the reason I found the tutorial for the bracelets :)

Forever Crafting,

Friday, August 12, 2011

I'm Grateful for Day Time Television...

This week after having half of my toenail removed and needing to spend two days with my feet up on the air, on the couch I am grateful for daytime television. Ellen, Oprah, Whoopi and Dr Phil are all becoming the usual for me, I'm amazed by Ellen's dancing ability, Oprah's sincerity, Whoopi's humour and Dr Phil's understanding.

As well as watching these shows I have also been searching through pinterest and I have found many wonderful things. I am hoping to make some friendship bracelets this afternoon that I found a tutorial  for. Photos to come I hope!

Join in with Maxabella here.

Forever Crafting,

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday Moodbard {Etsy Finds} ....

Joining in once again with Star of The East with Monday Moodboards. Today featuring some of my favourite finds on Etsy that are made by members of the EuropeanStreet Team.

1. A lovely Sari Journal by Kreativlink found here.
2. A Ring Rectangle Delta by kraplap found here.
3. An Elegant Bracelet with Silk by Vadjutka found here.
4. A pair of Sundown Beaded Earings by carmenesque found here.

Tonight I am settling in to get some sewing done that will include some scrunchies, a headband and a boxed pencil case. I am looking forward to this because it has been ages since I have been able to have a meeting with my adored sewing machine.

Forever Crafting,

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I'm Grateful For Creativity...

This week, as I constantly get caught up in the world of Pinterest, I am grateful for creativity. WIthout this wonderful trait there would be nothing interesting to look at in the world and, lets face it, none of us would be here blogging today.

My favourite pin of the week was this one that I found and I am definitely putting it into practice next weekend. All you do is attach the crayons to the top of the canvas and then use the hair dryer to melt them down the canvas, Genius!

I'm off to do some more pinning :)

Forever Crafting,

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I have been a little down in the dumps lately but after reading this post it gave me the motivation to fancy up my blog and really get set on my way through blogland! With a google search underway ideas were running through my head until I found this lovely site and made my way through their header designs to find this...

and turn it into this.

I also found some cute little buttons and my new background, my favourite thing about thing about the site, Shabby Blogs, is that they cater for my love of birds, I am in awe! All my favourites can be found here.

Whilst on my search I also joined many groups, some of which I have added their buttons to my side bar. Be sure to check these out although I plan to publish a post about all of these too.

Next week I may be a tad absent for a while as I am having a minor operation late into the week. Nothing major, although for me two needles on either side of my toe and the removal of half my nail is a bit daunting! Hopefully I will be able to catch up on some crafts though because there are many birthdays coming up, including Sampson's, he is turning 1!

Well I best be off because I plan to have my room, the side verandah and the sewing area prepared for some serious usage in the next week!

Forever Crafting,

Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday Moodboard

Joining in with Star of the East showing you some of my favourite pins from Pinterest.

1. Found here
2. Found here
3. Found here
4. Found here

Come join in and show us your Monday Moodboard!

Forever Crafting,
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